April Swartz

April can be found reading, writing and curating anthropology material, and most often found wandering the halls of museums. She is an avid traveler having explored over 30 countries, and enjoys meeting the local people and eating traditional artisan dishes. April is the Director of Field Events for the Folk Fusion Organization, and is one of Native Pulse's NP Explorers.

An analysis and interview with a survivor of Puerto Rico’s most catastrophic storm

As part of Folk Fusion’s mission to help communities that become vulnerable to culture loss due to environmental, political, or socio-economic destruction, it is time to take a look at the beginnings of a longitudinal analysis of the situation on Puerto Rico post-hurricane Maria and what changes, if any, have occurred since the destruction that …

“Scaring Away Winter” at the Slovenian Kurentovanje Festival

Celebrating Slovenian Heritage as we “Scare Away Winter” at the Kurentovanje Festival in Cleveland!  It’s time to “scare away winter” and usher in spring with the annual Kurentovanje festival in one Cleveland Ohio neighborhood.  The Kurentovanje is originally a Slovenian festival that brings the ethnography of culture and art together for a multi-day Pre-Lenten event …